Black Friday 2014 Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX DG APO HSM Autofocus Lens for Sigma SLR Camera Instantly
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Price : $4998.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SIGMA
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Product ID : f4ebe548f33860e41e6d66dcb9b9f2bf
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Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX DG APO HSM Autofocus Lens for Sigma SLR Camera Description
Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX DG APO HSM Autofocus Lens for Sigma SLR Camera Type: Fixed Length Lens Focus Type: Auto Focus
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Sigma 500mm f/4.5 EX DG APO HSM Autofocus Lens for Sigma SLR Camera
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$4998.99 |