2014 Black Friday Smith Optics Marvine (Tan Crystal/Green Carbonic Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses Instantly
With this Smith Optics Marvine (Tan Crystal/Green Carbonic Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses you really look at many benefits that get in touch with you really need, strongly suggested it is a good product for value. Hot Offer Smith Optics Marvine (Tan Crystal/Green Carbonic Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses
Price : $80.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Smith Optics
Merchant : 6pm.com
Product ID : ba1097d0149db4168e3af9f8d56a0a8d
Rating :
In the case that you are usually looking to paying for item at a top-notch top quality as well as a reasonable offer. We extremely suggested Smith Optics Marvine (Tan Crystal/Green Carbonic Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses is among top-notch and more prominent product product that you are looking for. Also if you research it carefully regarding product information, functions and useful customer evaluations, certainly you have to certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You can check out the up-to-date price through the web link here.
Smith Optics Marvine (Tan Crystal/Green Carbonic Lenses) Plastic Frame Fashion Sunglasses Description
With the vintage curves and round shape of the Marvine from Smith Optics, you'll be proudly paying homage to generations of free-spirited, creative and thoughtful intellectuals! Evolve frame is durable and flexible, perfect for a variety of activities.Adjustable wire-core temples with barrel hinges.Stylized Smith Optics metal logo hit on side temples.Carbonic TLT (Tapered Lens Technology) corrects visual distortion by progressively tapering the lens from the optical center towards the outer edges.Six-base lens curvature.A small fit with medium coverage.Imported. Measurements:Temple Length: 150 mmFrame Width: 136 mmLens Height: 44 mmWeight: 1 ozLens Width: 51 mmBridge: 14 mm
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