Black Friday Deals SONY 3DMR30L1H DVD-R Recordable DVD Camcorder Media (1.4GB) - 3-pack Don't Miss
Can be a safe compared product functionalities and value. The SONY 3DMR30L1H DVD-R Recordable DVD Camcorder Media (1.4GB) - 3-pack is a wonderful decision to buy.
Price : $14.01 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant :
Product ID : 7a1dcd9bfaa1b44deb0a6ff724863a39
Rating :
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![SONY 3DMR30L1H DVD-R Recordable DVD Camcorder Media (1.4GB) - 3-pack](
SONY 3DMR30L1H DVD-R Recordable DVD Camcorder Media (1.4GB) - 3-pack Description
SONY 3DMR30L1H DVD-R Recordable DVD Camcorder Media (1.4GB) - 3-pack Media Type: 8cm DVD Disc Recording Time (LP Mode) : 60 Mins Recording Time (SP Mode) : 30 Mins Pack: 3 Features: 3-pack 30 minute, 1.4 GB discs Designed for non-linear recording for the purpose of editing. Create and store digital video, audio and multimedia files Compatible for playback with most DVD players and DVD-ROM drives AccuCORE technology is a new development in recordable DVD media, delivering an enhanced level of recording ACCUracy, COmpatibility and REliability: Accuracy: To make the most of DVDas digital picture and sound, every 1 and 0 is recorded with the utmost precision. Compatibility: Records and plays in the widest possible range of drives, camcorders, and video recorders/players. Reliability: Information recorded today will still be there a" years into the future. Parts: 1 year...
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