Deals Black Friday On Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit Don't Miss
If you have to in comparison item characteristics and price. This Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit is the perfect option to shop for.
Price : $289.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SONY
Merchant : Cameta Camera
Product ID : 5e95dd5ccffce3a86820861555049134
Rating :
In the event that you are usually considering to ordering item with a fantastic top quality and also a reasonable budget plan. We very suggested this Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit is just one of top-notch and additional popular product item that you are searching for. Also if you research it meticulously about product specification, features and valuable customer assessments, of program you have to not decline to get it one. You can look at the up-to-date price from the link under here.
![Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit](
Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit Description
Attach the Sony HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi Action Cam to your helmet bike or surfboard and tell your story with stunning realism using multi camera control thanks to the Live-View Remote RM-LVR1 (sold separately) . Impressive features include an Exmor R CMOS Sensor that delivers superb low light performance an ultra-wide angle 170-degree Carl Zeiss Lens SteadyShot image stabilization with Active Mode built-in stereo microphone. Record all the action in Full 1920 x 1080 HD video at 60 frames per second or slow it down and see your moves in 4x slow motion. Record and share wirelessly via built-in Wi-Fi and enjoy editing with PlayMemories Home Video Merge. The HDR-AS20 also features an LCD Status Display to help guide you through menu options check battery life or even take a snapshot. It comes with a variety of accessories including: waterproof housing (16 ft /5m) curved adhesive mount flat adhesive mount and a Quick-Connect Mount for use on just about any surface.
A single of the highly essential details you require to finish right before you make a decision to acquire Sony Action Cam HDR-AS20 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Camera Camcorder with 32GB Card + AKA-LU1 LCD Cradle + Battery + Charger + Case + Tripod + Kit is so as to look at potential client assessments of this item coming from real users. To see recommendations on how they have a comment on this item, what is their impressed and not amazed on this product. In this way you may know that are you really need this item really, Every one of that is very important info that you must not pass.