2014 Black Friday Cheap Price Sony Alpha NEX-6 16.1 MP Digital Camera (Black Body Only) + 16mm f2.8 Ultimate Bundle Instantly
Overall this Sony Alpha NEX-6 16.1 MP Digital Camera (Black Body Only) + 16mm f2.8 Ultimate Bundle is quite well manufactured, will work wonderfully, I probably think the order may well be worth any extra money.
Price : $788.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : ff07f995afd620842faf9953c37614d9
Rating :

The product attributes are exceptional and loadeded with top quality of Sony Alpha NEX-6 16.1 MP Digital Camera (Black Body Only) + 16mm f2.8 Ultimate Bundle is the weighty reason that makes it among the item you would grow purchased. Along with, it is likewise friendly-budget to your pockets too. You could discover the full product detail and take a look at excellent promos that have possibly been improved coming from the store via click the hyperlink here. You may possibly buy the stimulating deal and you can not refute it, desire you have the exceptional price.

Sony Alpha NEX-6 16.1 MP Digital Camera (Black Body Only) + 16mm f2.8 Ultimate Bundle Description
Who says you can't have it all? The NEX-6 features a wish list of features and still fits in your pocket. And it's fast, too. Make quick changes with a handy DSLR-like dial. Focus and track fast-moving subjects with the speed and accuracy of phase and contrast detection. It even shoots 16.1MP photos at a blistering up to 10fps. It's the end of compromise as we know it. 16.1 MP APS-C size HD image sensor The same sensor format that Sony builds into the full-sized DSLRs. With 13 times the area of the typical point-and-shoot image sensor, APS-C makes the difference between "snapshots" and "photographs," delivering an exceptional combination of high resolution, high sensitivity and gorgeous, blurred backgrounds. Fast Hybrid AF Sony's advanced Fast Hybrid AF combines two technologies for outstanding performance: Phase detection AF for quick response that is ideal when tracking fast-moving subjects and contrast-detection AF for added precision. A perfect match that delivers optimal Auto Focus for fast, precise focusing in any scene. XGA Tru-Finder OLED There's never been anything quite like the Tru-Finder OLED electronic viewfinder. For size, speed and brightness even after sunset, this is a gem. This eye-level, through-the-lens, viewfinder begins with 2359K dots for amazing resolution and high contrast ratio for incredible depth. OLED reduces motion blur to a bare minimum. You can also see the results of camera adjustments in real time with superb color and detail. Wi-Fi Sharing Wi-Fi capability - a first for Alpha-series - lets users transfer photos directly to smartphones and tablets with the PlayMemories Mobile app. Wi-Fi capability allows for sharing, viewing and saving photos for expanded photo-shooting enjoyment. Photos can be easily transferred to smartphones and tablets, viewed on large screen TVs or saved to PC's.11 Advanced Control Dial New Advanced Mode control dial and Quick Navi work together to assure a quick and intuitive operation comparable to DSLR cameras. Dedicated Fn (function) button combines with the mode dial to greatly facilitate operation and speed getting the shot.
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Sony Alpha NEX-6 16.1 MP Digital Camera (Black Body Only) + 16mm f2.8 Ultimate Bundle
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$788.00 | ![]() |