Black Friday 2014 Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished) Don't Miss
With Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished) you just notice the positive aspects that will fulfill you would like, is recommended it is usually a good product for value. Hot Deal Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished)
Price : $158.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
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Product ID : 2d933319fa2e48b0a2de9f2c4f3760f4
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In the event that you are usually considering to purchasing item with a top notch quality as well as an affordable price. We strongly suggested Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished) is one of high quality and more well-liked item item that you are searching for. Also if you learn it carefully about product detail, features and helpful consumer comments, naturally you have to certainly not reject to acquire it one. You can take a look at the current price through the link here.
Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished) Description
The DSC-H70 features face motion detection, natural flash, iAuto, sweep panorama, active mode, soft skin mode, in camera guide and retouching tools, anti blink function, easy shooting mode, smile shutter, TransferJet, self portrait timer and more. Display: Large bright 3-inch LCD 230,000 pixelsResolution: A high resolution 16.1 megapixel 1/2.3-inch CCD sensor for great image qualityZoom: 10x optical zoom G lens (25-250mm equivalent in 35mm) brings distant subjects super close for great outdoors, sports and travel photos12x intelligent zoomOptical SteadyShot image stabilization uses a built-in gyro sensor to detect camera shake and automatically shifts the lens to help prevent blur without sacrificing image quality10 elements in 7 groups, 4 asphericAperture: f/3.5 - 5.5Shutter speed: 30 - 1/1600 sec in Manual modeISO auto 80-3200Memory cards: Memory stick duo, memory stick pro duo, memory stick pro HG duo, SD, SDHC, SDXCPicture format: JPEGVideo format: MPEG-41280 x 720 HD movies at 30fpsInterface: AV outputPower: NP-BG1 rechargeable lithium-ion battery packCompatible with PC and Mac systemsModel: DSCH70/L-RBIncluded items: Battery, battery charger BC-CSGD, multi connector cable, wrist strap, CD ROM, Sony Picture Motion Browser software 5.5,Dimensions: 2.2 inches high x 4 inches wide x 1.1 inches deepWeight: 5.78 ounces This high-quality item has been factory refurbished. Please click on the icon above for more information on quality factory-reconditioned merchandise.
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Sony Cyber Shot DSC-H70 16.1MP Blue Digital Camera (Refurbished)
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$158.99 |