Black Friday Online Deals SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea Instantly
Over all the SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea is really well designed, goes to work perfectly, I understandably feel the buy online may well be worth any extra budget.
Price : $158.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant :
Product ID : abcd004cd2cbc305425b0abfe96a93da
Rating :
One of amazing item is feature SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea certified from a bunch of opinions coming from actual buyers confirmed that SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea is excellent and useful product and advantage the cash that they spent. If you have any questions about the attributes of the product or want to examine the up-to-date price of this product. Just select the link below, you will find a great deals that certain.
![SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea](
SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargea Description
SONY Cyber-Shot DSC-WX80/R Compact Zoom Digital Camera (Red) + 16GB SD Memory Card + Sony Case (Pink) + Drawstring Case + 25 Free Prints + Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery + Enhanced Lens Cleaning Kit Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS Image Stabilization: Optical Image Stabilization LCD: 2.7" Series: Cyber-shot Series Weight: 4.37 oz / 124 g Type: Compact Gross Pixels: 16.8 Megapixel Resolution: 16MP: 4608 x 3456 @ 4:3
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