Black Friday 2014 SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II Black 20.2MP Digital Camera
SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II Black 20.2MP Digital Camera is very high-quality on what it can do. Save you money and time through buy at responsible stores online.
Price : $648.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant :
Product ID : 265b36600092ca675068cc1c0fd0d0f7
Rating :
The item attributes are excellent and fulled of good quality of SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II Black 20.2MP Digital Camera is the weighty purpose that takes it among the product you will get purchased. And also, it is also friendly budget to your wallets as well. You can find the full product explanation and examine out amazing advertisings that have already been improved through the store using click the link below. You may see the beneficial deal and you can not refute it, want you get the awesome price.
![SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II Black 20.2MP Digital Camera](
SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II Black 20.2MP Digital Camera Description
SONY Cyber-shot RX100 II DSC-RX100M2/B Black 20.2MP 3.6X Optical Zoom 28mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Image Sensor: CMOS Aperture: F1.8 - 11 (W) , F4.9 - 11 (T) Image Stabilization: (Still Image) Optical (Movie) Active Mode, Optical type with electronic compensation (Anti-rolling) LCD: 3.0" 1229K Max. Recording Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Battery Life: Approx. 350 images with LCD monitor (CIPA standard) Series: Cyber-shot R Series Dimensions (WxHxD) : 4'' x 2-9/32'' x 1-1/2'' (101.6 x 58.1 x 38.3 mm) excluding protrusions
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