Black Friday Sale Sony DSC-QX10 QX10 18MP Smartphone Interchangeable Attachable Lens-Style Camera with 10x Optical Zoom and NFC/ Wi-Fi in Black + Sony 16GB Class 10 microSDHC + R
Sony DSC-QX10 QX10 18MP Smartphone Interchangeable Attachable Lens-Style Camera with 10x Optical Zoom and NFC/ Wi-Fi in Black + Sony 16GB Class 10 microSDHC + R is truly an awesome devices at a really good price, worth the cost. Totally joyful.
Price : $178.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant :
Product ID : bc7346e2e05b3c8727dfd7acdbb7d190
Rating :
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![Sony DSC-QX10 QX10 18MP Smartphone Interchangeable Attachable Lens-Style Camera with 10x Optical Zoom and NFC/ Wi-Fi in Black + Sony 16GB Class 10 microSDHC + R](
Sony DSC-QX10 QX10 18MP Smartphone Interchangeable Attachable Lens-Style Camera with 10x Optical Zoom and NFC/ Wi-Fi in Black + Sony 16GB Class 10 microSDHC + R Description
Sony DSC-QX10 QX10 18MP Smartphone Interchangeable Attachable Lens-Style Camera with 10x Optical Zoom and NFC/ Wi-Fi in Black + Sony 16GB Class 10 microSDHC + Replacement NP-BN1 Battery + Stylus + Kit Image Sensor: CMOS LCD: No Series: DSC Dimensions (WxHxD) : 2.5 x 2.4 x 1.2" Weight: 3.17 oz Type: Compact Gross Pixels: 18.9 MP Storage Media: Memory Stick Micro, Memory Stick Micro Mark II and microSD and microSDHC memory cards
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