Black Friday 2014 Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera Instantly
Over all the Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera is quite well made, works perfectly, I understandably experience the purchase online may be worth the money. Hot Deal Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera
Price : $129.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
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Product ID : 3faabbe96a14a10e0ef007fc3ce38708
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of quality of Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera is the major reason that gets it one of the product you will certainly pick up bought. In addition to, it is additionally friendly budget to your wallets also. You could watch the complete item summary and look at exclusive promotions that have possibly been upgraded through the store via click the hyperlink here. You might possibly search for the very cool offer and you could not deny it, wish you have the wonderful price.
Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera Description
The black DSC-W830 Digital Camera from Sony is a pocket-sized point-and-shoot featuring a 20.1MP, 1/2.3", Super HAD CCD image sensor and BIONZ processor for high-resolution still photos, Display: 2.7 inch 230k-Dot Clear Photo LCD MonitorResolution: 20.1 megapixel 1/2.3-inch Super HAD CCD Image SensorZoom: 25-200mm Zeiss Vario Lens (35mm Equiv) Shutter speed: 2 - 1/1600 sec in Auto Mode , 1 - 1/1600 sec in Program Mode Memory: SD, SDHC, SDXC, microSD,microSDHC, microSDXC Picture format: JPEGVideo format: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264Interface: USB 2.0Power: Rechargeable Li-Ion batteryColor: Black Model: DSC-W830/BIncluded items: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W830 Digital Camera black Dimensions: 5x5x5Weight: 1
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Sony DSC-W830 20MP Black Digital Camera
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$129.00 |