Black Friday Deals 2014 Sony LCS-U20 Medium Carrying Case for Handycam, Cyber-Shot, NEX Digital Camera (Black) with NP-FW50 Battery + Cleaning Kit
Over-all the Sony LCS-U20 Medium Carrying Case for Handycam, Cyber-Shot, NEX Digital Camera (Black) with NP-FW50 Battery + Cleaning Kit is very effectively manufactured, will work perfectly, I certainly notice the order may well worth the budget.
Price : $29.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant :
Product ID : 2573f01776d2f4e2421372af49a7c215
Rating :

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Sony LCS-U20 Medium Carrying Case for Handycam, Cyber-Shot, NEX Digital Camera (Black) with NP-FW50 Battery + Cleaning Kit Description
Sony LCS-U20 Medium Carrying Case for Handycam, Cyber-Shot, NEX Digital Camera (Black) with NP-FW50 Battery + Cleaning Kit Type: Point & Shoot Compatibility: Compatible with all the following Sony Handycam Camcorders: DCR-SR68 SR85 SR88 SX45 SX65 SX85 HDR-CX130 CX160 CX190 CX200 CX210 CX260V CX300 CX360 CX580 CX700 CX760 PJ10 PJ30 PJ50 PJ200 PJ260 PJ580 PJ710 PJ760 TD10 TD20 TG10 XR160 XR260 XR360 XR560 Compatible with the following Sony Digital Cameras: DSC-H10 DSC-H20 DSC-H50 DSC-H55 DSC-H70 DSC-H200 DSC-HX1 DSC-HX5 NEX-3 & NEX-5 Specifications: Two zippered side pockets, plus wide zippered front pocket to protect accessories Features: Variety of compartments to store camera/camcorder, lenses and accessories Parts: 1 year Labor: 1 year
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