Black Friday 2014 Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output Instantly
Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output is truly an amazing stuff at a awesome deal, worth the cost. Really pleased.
Price : $15500.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
Merchant : Adorama
Product ID : b162fb24fe6799b9ecf2b5d0699d0ccd
Rating :
In case you are certainly considering to shopping product with a good quality and also an affordable price. We very advised Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output is one of high quality and even more popular item item that you are seeking. Even if you examine it meticulously regarding item detail, attributes and useful consumer assessments, naturally you must not decline to get it one. You can look at the up to date price through the web link under here.
![Sony PMW-400L 2/3](
Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output Description
The Sony PMW-400L is a 2/3", shoulder-mounted camcorder in the XDCAM EX line. It features three 2/3" type Exmor CMOS imaging sensors with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The camera records HD and SD in both NTSC and PAL compatible frame rates. The camera rec
Before you buy Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output, you must take a look at the attributes of the product, building material functionality, benefits and drawbacks of the item so efficiently. By studying customer reviews of this item, you should look at a number of customer reviews. The actual individuals experience of these items shall help you make the decision properly, logically without purchasing mistake and really worth for the valuer.
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Sony PMW-400L 2/3" XDCAM EX HD Camcorder without Lens, 3.5" Color LCD, MPEG2 HD422 50Mb/s Recording, 1080, SD/HD-SDI & HDMI Output
Merchant : Adorama |
$15500.00 | ![]() |