Black Friday Deals 2014 Sony Vertical Grip for Alpha a99 Camera Don't Miss
Sony Vertical Grip for Alpha a99 Camera is extremely an incredibly good items at the great total price, worth the cost. Awfully joyful.
Price : $361.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sony
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Product ID : 33bab3e28b7e399797a62eee26be4427
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![Sony Vertical Grip for Alpha a99 Camera](
Sony Vertical Grip for Alpha a99 Camera Description
The Sony Vertical Battery Grip for Alpha A99 DSLR camera is designed for the Alpha SLTA99 DSLR camera and accepts 1 or 2 NPFM500H lithium-ion batteries. With 2 batteries installed in the grip and 1 in the camera, your shooting time is effectively tripled. Provides comfortable and secure handling when shooting in the vertical position, including ergonomic contouring, a secondary shutter release button and alternate compensation button, AF / MF button, AEL button, Fn button, zoom / magnifier button, multi selector and control dialAccepts 1 or 2 NP-FM500H lithium-ion batteries in addition to the battery housed in the camera and effectively triples the cameras battery life and shooting time. The battery with lower power in the grip is used first and automatically switched over to the other when it runs out. The one in camera body is used last to maximize shooting time. Remaining power of battery in use is indicated in percentages on the cameras LCD monitorAuto switching provides uninterrupted shooting. The batteries in the grip can be replaced without turning the camera power off.Buttons, dials, battery cover and connecting terminal to the camera are weather sealed for protection against dust and moisture.Features anti slip rubber gripping, a securely locking battery chamber door and tripod mounting socketCompatible with the Sony Alpha SLT A99 digital SLR cameraBlackElectronic componentsModel: VG-C99AMIncluded items: Battery tray for Li-ion batteriesDimensions: 2.7 inches high x 5.5 inches wide x 3.4 inches deepWeight: 11.5 ounces
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