Black Friday Deals Sound Around-Pyle PSCHD30OR Mini High-Definition Sports Action Wide-Angle Hd Camera & Camcorder - Orange Instantly
If you have to in comparison product features and value. The Sound Around-Pyle PSCHD30OR Mini High-Definition Sports Action Wide-Angle Hd Camera & Camcorder - Orange is a reasonable option to pay money for.
Price : $81.48 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Sound Around Electronics
Merchant :
Product ID : 964d30e16e3a4ff8d02174f8999e4a66
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The product attributes are superb and filled with top quality of Sound Around-Pyle PSCHD30OR Mini High-Definition Sports Action Wide-Angle Hd Camera & Camcorder - Orange is the weighty idea that allows it among the product you would really get possessed. As well as, it is also friendly-budget to your wallets also. You can view the full item summary and look at exclusive advertisings that have been improved from the site via click the web link below. You might possibly discover the amazing offer and you could not refuse it, want you get the great price.

Sound Around-Pyle PSCHD30OR Mini High-Definition Sports Action Wide-Angle Hd Camera & Camcorder - Orange Description
Capture it all with the PSCHD30 High-Definition Sport Action Camera and Camcorder Re-live all of your action-packed experiences at home in the living room or share them with your family and friends. This Mini Hi-Resolution Digital Camera & Camcorder is easy to use and allows you to upload your images and videos quickly and easily for everyone to see. The lightweight and compact size will allow you to position it just about anywhere and will make you feel like the director of your very own action movie You'll see all the details every monster jump every tight turn and every heart-pounding second thanks to High Resolution Mega Pixel (5.0 MP) and High-Definition (720p) Video Capabilities. Take it to the park the beach the mountain -- take it to the sky and capture it all Use the waterproof case strap it on or mount it exactly where you want. Give your audience a front row seat and an action experience to remember with the PSCHD30 High-Definition Sport Action Camera and Camcorder.Features:Mini HD Camcorder for Image and/or Video Recording2 in.Touch Screen For Video Playback and Settings ConfigurationEasy Uploading and Sharing via PCBuilt-in Rechargeable BatteryMicro SD Memory Card Slot4 X Digital ZoomHigh-Speed USB 2.0 InterfaceRecords Sound and Captures Video in AVI (.avi) FormatIncludes Splash Proof / Shock Proof CaseMounts Included: Suction Cup (Cars or Boats) Handlebar (Bike Motorcycle) Helmet Waist Harness Shield & Car ChargerSpecifications:3 Modes - Picture Video and Vehicle3 Image Capture Modes - 5.0 MP 3.0 MP 1.3 MPImage Resolutions - (2592 x 1944) (2048 x 1536) (1280 x 960) Captures Images in JPEG (.jpeg) Format
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