2014 Black Friday Cheap Price SVP AC7200 720P HD Mini Action Helmet Camera Waterproof Sport Car DV Bike Camcorder Review
SVP AC7200 720P HD Mini Action Helmet Camera Waterproof Sport Car DV Bike Camcorder that you can buy currently, only just view latest selling prices comparison and shipping available for get you the best bargain.
Price : $49.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SVP
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : e3caba2afc9186fe585f60802447c9a0
Rating :

The product functions are exceptional and packed with high quality of SVP AC7200 720P HD Mini Action Helmet Camera Waterproof Sport Car DV Bike Camcorder is the key purpose that takes it among the item you would get purchased. Increased, it is likewise friendly budget to your pockets too. You could view the full product detail and examine out excellent deals that have really been up-dated through the site using click the link below. You may purchase the amazing deal and you can not deny it, want you get the good deal.

SVP AC7200 720P HD Mini Action Helmet Camera Waterproof Sport Car DV Bike Camcorder Description
This awesome camera features a 1.3 megapixel CMOS Sensor and 2.0" Touch Screen lets you record videos in 720p high definition. It's waterproof at up to 10 meters. Simply put the camera in the waterproof case and record while in the water whether surfing or swimming. Resolution: 5.0 MegapixelDisplay: 2.0" TouchscreenImage sensor: 1.3 Mega Pixels CMOSZoom: 4x DigitalAperture: F/3.1 f=9.3mmMemory: SDRAM 8x16 MB & SPI 2MB, Micro SD Card (up to 32GB) Still image format: JPEGVideo format: AVIInterface: USB 2.0Power: Lithium 440AhDimensions: 2.59" x 1.69" x 1.06"Weight: 1.71 ozModel: AC7200 Included items:1 x Action Camcorder1 x Waterproof Case1 x Car Charger1 x Shield1 x Suction Cup Mount1 x Handlebar Seatpost Mount1 x Helmet Mount & Belt1 x USB 2.0 Cable1 x User manual
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