Deals Black Friday On Swann DVR8-3200 8-Channel 960H Digital Video Recorder and 4 PRO-642 Camera System Right Now
Swann DVR8-3200 8-Channel 960H Digital Video Recorder and 4 PRO-642 Camera System is very nice on exactly what it really does. Help you save time and money through buy at responsible online merchants.
Price : $649.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : David Shaw Silverware NA LTD
Merchant : Kmart
Product ID : 4a7c959a714c53524d2a49fdc3c31698
Rating :

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Swann DVR8-3200 8-Channel 960H Digital Video Recorder and 4 PRO-642 Camera System Description
Swann SWDVK-832004S - DVR + camera (s) - 8 channels - triplex - 1 x 1 TB - 4 camera (s) - CMOS
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