Black Friday Sales Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF Don't Miss
Can be a safe compared device functions and price. Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF is a fantastic decision to purchase.
Price : $803.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Tamron
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Product ID : 7830c39783e9ce7179b84451ce0c737e
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Along with excellent product is include Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF approved through a bunch of feedbacks directly from realistic users verified that Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF is extremely good and usable product and actually worth the cash that they paid. If you have any type of inquiries regarding the functions of the item or want to inspect the existing price of this item. Exactly click the web link here, you will discover a nice deals that certain.
![Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF](
Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF Description
The SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro lens will provide 1:1 magnification and the 2 LD elements included in the design of the lens make sure you get the sharpest quality possible. This is an excellent lens for close up work in the field. 1:1 magnification: Allows for life size image on the negative or slide, at a distance of 18.5-inchInternal focus: The lens neither extends nor contracts physically when focusing, all moving elements are contained within the lens barrelDi: Digitally Integrated design lenses are designed to meet the performance characteristics of digital SLR camerasFEC: Filter Effect Control is designed to rotate the filter to the desired position even with the hood attached. This is accomplished by rotating the FEC ring that in turn rotates the portion of the lens where the filter is mountedNo image stabilizationWeight: 2.02 poundsCompatibility: Camera mount type: Nikon FFormat compatibility: Nikon FX / 35mm film / Nikon DXNote: AF not supported by D40 and D60 cameras
If you are undecided on whether to buy Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF or otherwise, the way to assist you choose this problem is to look over numerous customer reviews of this product. Review numerous testimonials to determine whether it is an item that fulfills your exact wants or just what this product could offer you some truly useful or are you could forgot some disadvantages of it. So all of that make you get a purchase with a great reason and worth the money you pay out.
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Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di LD IF Macro Telephoto Lens for Nikon AF
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