Black Friday Sales The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer. Right Now
All in all this The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer. is quite well designed, functions magnificently, I completely feel the shop for most likely be worth the budget. Hot Offer The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer.
Price : $159.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : Hammacher Schlemmer
Product ID : 850ab340ca5e4c4ed527b07ef8251b0a
Rating :
In case you are usually thinking about to paying for item with a superb high quality including a practical deal. We extremely suggested this The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer. is just one of premium and even more popular item item that you are seeking. Also if you study it thoroughly regarding item information, features and valuable customer overviews, certainly you have to certainly not reject to acquire it one. You can check out the recent price through the link under here.
The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer. Description
This is the compact, portable printer that produces photo quality pictures directly from a docked iPhone 5/5s/5c or iPod Touch. Also connecting to iPhone4, iPhone6 or Android phones, and iPads (using your existing 30-pin, Micro-USB, or iPad cable) , the printer requires no computer or software, and is controlled from your device via a free downloadable app. In less than 59 seconds and without ink cartridges, it prints crystal-clear 300 dpi resolution pictures with vibrant colors, thanks to patented paper embedded with yellow, magenta, and cyan dye crystals. The printer can produce one, four, or 10 smudge- and tear-proof, fade- and water-resistant images on each 4" x 6" borderless sheet. It prints panoramic shots from a connected iPhone5 and prints from PictBridge-capable digital cameras. It also charges an iPhone 5 via the built-in Lightning connector. Includes one thermal paper cartridge that makes 12 prints. Plugs into AC. 4" H x 7" W x 6" D. (3 lbs.)
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Image | Item | Price | |
The iPhone 5/6 Photo Printer.
Merchant : Hammacher Schlemmer |
$159.95 |