Deals Black Friday On The Sports Analyst's Camcorder. Review
With this The Sports Analyst's Camcorder. you really are aware of the positive effects which catch up with you need to get, strongly suggested it's actually a good product for value. Hot Deal The Sports Analyst's Camcorder.
Price : $1200.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Consumer Electronics Dist Inc
Merchant : Hammacher Schlemmer
Product ID : 272a6355688c8ef9ddd0b01f6c34b67f
Rating :
The product features are superb and fulled of top quality of The Sports Analyst's Camcorder. is the key reason that makes it one of the product you may obtain had. And, it is usually friendly budget to your budgets too. You could find the complete item summary and look into special advertisings that have been improved from the store via click the hyperlink here. You may look for the amazing offer and you can not reject it, desire you have the very good price.
The Sports Analyst's Camcorder. Description
This is the HD camcorder that captures slow motion video and sends it wirelessly to a tablet computer where coaches and athletes can analyze performance. The camcorder shoots high-speed video at up to 600 frames-per-second - a 900% higher frame rate than typical camcorders - and plays back super slow motion video that's ideal for dissecting the nuances of a baseball pitcher's mechanics or a golfer's swing. The camcorder's built-in Wi-Fi sends video directly to an iPad or Android-powered tablet and a free app allows users to draw on and annotate the video and play two different clips side-by-side for comparative teaching. The touch of a button allows users to quickly switch from a wide shooting angle that captures the full field of play to a close up that shows a goal being scored. The camcorder has a back-illuminated 1/2.3" 12.8 megapixel CMOS image sensor and a wide angle F1.2 lens, 10X optical zoom, optical image stabilization, and it records 1920 x 1080p high-definition video at 60 fps. With up to 128 GB SDXC memory card compatibility, mini-HDMI, USB, and A/V cables, and rechargeable battery that enables up to 2 hours of recording. 7 1/4" D x 4 1/3" W x 3" H. (1 1/3 lb.)
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
The Sports Analyst's Camcorder.
Merchant : Hammacher Schlemmer |
$1200.00 |