Deals Black Friday On Toshiba IK-TF7P2 1/3" 3CCD Microprism Progressive Scan PoCL Digital Camera, 1024x768 Resolution, C-Mount Lens, 62dB S/N-Ratio, 29.18fps Frame Rate Instantly
Toshiba IK-TF7P2 1/3" 3CCD Microprism Progressive Scan PoCL Digital Camera, 1024x768 Resolution, C-Mount Lens, 62dB S/N-Ratio, 29.18fps Frame Rate is totally awesome at the things it totally does. Enable you to save time and money with decide to purchase at trustworthy online sites. Hot Deal Toshiba IK-TF7P2 1/3" 3CCD Microprism Progressive Scan PoCL Digital Camera, 1024x768 Resolution, C-Mount Lens, 62dB S/N-Ratio, 29.18fps Frame Rate
Price : $2547.50 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Toshiba
Merchant : Adorama
Product ID : a47c099a0f29631077bd7614d95cb108
Rating :
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Toshiba IK-TF7P2 1/3" 3CCD Microprism Progressive Scan PoCL Digital Camera, 1024x768 Resolution, C-Mount Lens, 62dB S/N-Ratio, 29.18fps Frame Rate Description
The Toshiba IK-TF7P2 1/3" 3CCD Microprism Progressive Scan PoCL Digital Camera provides accurate colors and high resolution of fast moving objects for a variety of process control, inspection and machine vision applications. New and improved designs expan
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