Black Friday Sale Tripod Cooker w 18" Grill Don't Miss
Tripod Cooker w 18" Grill for your purchases currently, really look at latest prices comparison coupled with delivery readily available for get you the best bargain.
Price : $35.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Stansport
Merchant :
Product ID : 5737dd34f3d37643bf56f7d00c71e8b3
Rating :

In the event that you are usually thinking about to paying for item at a superb top quality and also a reasonable budget plan. We strongly recommended Tripod Cooker w 18" Grill is just one of premium and even more preferred product item that you are seeking. Even if you study it carefully about item description, attributes and useful consumer testimonials, of program you need to not decline to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price through the hyperlink under here.

Tripod Cooker w 18" Grill Description
A proven design on the western plains now available in a lightweight, collapsible steel model with all the same features as its iron original without the weight. Adjustable design can be raised or lowered for optimum temperature warming or cooking light weight, shock corded, galvanized steel legs. Compact design makes it ideal for camping, hunting, or backpacking. 18 inch grill holds coffee pots, fry pans, and a variety of cooking ovens Quick and easy set up Brand: StansportColor: SilverMaterials: SteelDimensions: 18 inches x 1.5 inch x 17.75 inchesModel: 1599777
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