2014 Black Friday Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Tripod Stand Don't Miss
Over-all this Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Tripod Stand is very nicely designed, works wonderfully, I most definitely look into the purchase decision is really worth the extra money. Hot Offer Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Tripod Stand
Price : $69.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : 581bdd1d8849aec080e01c1878d3818c
Rating :
In the event that you are thinking about to getting item at a top-notch quality and also a practical deal. We strongly suggested Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Tripod Stand is among top quality and even more prominent product product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning item information, features and handy consumer overviews, of program you must certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You could check out the recent price from the hyperlink below.
Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Tripod Stand Description
Bird feeders are a delightful addition to any bird-friendly backyard. Ideal for gardens, gazebos and balconies, this high-quality Trixie Wooden Bird Feeder Gazebo with Stand will attract finches, chickadees and other small birds. Brand: TRIXIE Pet ProductsModel: 5572Color: Glazed pineMaterials: Glazed pine, composite asphalt shinglesHouse dimensions: 18 inches high x 26 inches in diameterOverall height 57 inchesWeight: 16 poundsWeatherproofIncludes: Wooden base, large roof overhang, ample landing spaceSize of animal intended for: Finches, chickadees, and other small birdsAssembly required. All hardware included.
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