Black Friday Online Deals Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1 Right Now
When you have to in comparison product functionalities and value. The Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1 is a fantastic decision to spend money on. Hot Deal Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1
Price : $10.49 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ascend
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Product ID : 7bbd24d3dbcdae38c9c9b38d86ca23e1
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If you are actually looking to ordering product with a beneficial top quality including a reasonable budget plan. We extremely recommended Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1 is one of leading quality and more popular item product that you are searching for. Even if you examine it thoroughly regarding product detail, features and handy consumer assessments, naturally you have to not decline to buy it one. You could check the latest price through the hyperlink here.
Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1 Description
This is a set of two batteries with lens cleaning pen for Sony NP-BG1. It keeps your camera charged and lens clean from dirt and smudges. Compatible with:Sony CyberShot H Series DSC-H10, DSC-H20, DSC-H3, DSC-H50, DSC-H55, DSC-H7, DSC-H70, DSC-H9, DSC-HX5, DSC-HX5V/ Cybershot HX Series DSC-HX7V, DSC-HX9V, HX5B/ CyberShot N Series DSC-N1, DSC-N2/ CyberShot T Series DSC-T100, DSC-T20/ CyberShot W Series DSC-W100, DSC-W110, DSC-W115, DSC-W120, DSC-W125, DSC-W130, DSC-W150, DSC-W170, DSC-W200, DSC-W210, DSC-W215, DSC-W220, DSC-W230, DSC-W270, DSC-W275, DSC-W290, DSC-W30, DSC-W300, DSC-W35, DSC-W40, DSC-W50, DSC-W55, DSC-W70, DSC-W80, DSC-W85, DSC-W90, DSC-WX1/ Cybershot WX Series DSC-WX10 Includes:Battery x2Lens cleaning pen kit Battery:Voltage: 3.7VLi-ion batteryReplacement for Sony NP-BG1/ NP-FG1 Lens cleaning pen:Safe for all lenses including multi-coated surfacesRetractable brush and round cleaning headRemoves fingerprints, dirt, grease spots and other smudgesDoes not damage the lensUnique cleaning compound will not spill or dry outSelf-replenishing tipNon-toxic, environmentally friendly Warning: California residents only, please note per Proposition 65 that this product may contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
If you require tips and advice concerning the advantages and disadvantages of Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1. The simplest approach is you can look at it from the customer reviews regarding this item. The real experiences of customers who making use of the products that just how they give scoring for this item and just what they like and not like on this item. The most essential is this item can surely be put to work exactly as you want or otherwise. This is just one of the crucial information you have to understand.
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Two Batteries/ Camera Lens Cleaning Pen for Sony CyberShot NP-BG1
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$10.49 |