Black Friday Online Deals Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom Right Now
Finally the Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom is perfectly created, is working wonderfully, I most surely feel the shop for is worth any extra money.
Price : $79.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Ultimate Support
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : a77fcb42801a047bdf710ae8902a2be7
Rating :
In case that you are actually considering to acquiring product at an exceptional quality along with a sensible budget. We extremely advised Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom is one of top quality and even more preferred product product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it thoroughly about product information, functions and useful consumer testimonials, obviously you have to not reject to get it one. You could inspect the recent price through the hyperlink under here.
![Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom](
Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom Description
This Ultimate Support Pro-T-F package pairs a PRO-T Tripod Mic Stand with the ULTI-BOOM FB fixed boom so you can get your mic at just the right height and angle for your needs. This combination of stand and boom will be an asset to any stage or studio setup. PRO-T Mic Stand Like the rest of the PRO Series Mic Stands, the PRO-T model is designed to be a dependable, everyday workhorse. The Pro Series mic stands have an ingenious design with patented universal mic attachments that feature top threads that fit both U.S. and metric threaded mic clips and accessories. Each stand is made of thick steel tubing (1") with field replaceable parts. They also have a clutch that locks up faster and smoother than their peers with dual overmolding for a secure grip. The tripod bases feature strong legs that securely snap in place with oversized foot caps that won't fall off or let your mic be susceptible to easy knockovers. The PRO-T is height adjustable from 41.7" to 63". ULTI-BOOM FB The ULTI-BOOM FB fixed boom features an oversized rotation hub to increase friction and reduce slippage, and top threads which fit U.S. and metric threaded mic clips and PRO-T Patented universal mic attachment with top threads that fit U.S. and metric threaded mic clips and accessories Overmolded clutch Thick steel tubing Field replaceable parts Tripod base with strong legs that snap into place Oversized rubber footcaps Heavy-duty coated finish resists scratching ULTI-BOOM FB Oversized rotation hub increases friction, reducing slippage Patented top threads fit U.S. and metric threaded mic clips and accessories Ergonomic knobs for quick adjustment Extruded and anodized aluminum tubing Internal glides for fast, smooth, and noise-free adjustment Metal counterweight for true balance Limited lifetime warranty
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Ultimate Support PRO-T-F Tripod Mic Stand with Fixed Boom
Merchant : Walmart |
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