Black Friday Sales 2014 ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright, and Portable Projector Right Now
ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright, and Portable Projector is definitely an excellent stuff for a awesome deal, worth the cost. Totally happy. Hot Offer ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright, and Portable Projector
Price : $299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : ViewSonic
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : b7ca3fb506a3199a68f46e21aad6324d
Rating :
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ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright, and Portable Projector Description
ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright and Portable Projector: 2,800 ANSI lumens for clear and bright images BrilliantColor technology provides exceptional display quality Maintenance free, filter-less design Long-lasting reliable picture quality and superior color performance 6-segment color wheel design, auto source detection, support HD signals and integrated speaker DynamicEco technology for total control of audience's focus PC 3D ready and up to 120Hz refresh rate powered by DLP Link Technology Long lamp life up to 6,000 hours Eco-mode saves money and power this bright and light portable projector is small and light for easy mobility
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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ViewSonic PJD5132 Light, Bright, and Portable Projector
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