Black Friday 2014 Vividscann PS410 Handyscan Portable Scanner with 8GB Memory Card Instantly
Vividscann PS410 Handyscan Portable Scanner with 8GB Memory Card available now, take a moment to view the latest prices comparison along with shipping accessible to get you the best bargain.
Price : $49.06 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : SVP
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Product ID : 4b1d8f6cfee7f7dfaf037ec5b2348f10
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If you are taking into consideration to getting product with a really good top quality as well as a sensible spending plan. We highly recommended Vividscann PS410 Handyscan Portable Scanner with 8GB Memory Card is among leading quality and additional popular product product that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully regarding product information, features and practical customer testimonials, of program you need to certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could check the up-to-date price through the link below.

Vividscann PS410 Handyscan Portable Scanner with 8GB Memory Card Description
Compact, handy and portable, the Vivdscann PS4100 scanner provides exceptional results when scanning documents, pictures, books and more. This portable scanner package also includes an 8GB SVP microSD memory card. Scan in both color and mono modesScanning resolution up to 900 dpiBuilt-in real time scanning detector to avoid distortionBuilt-in over-speed alert to control scanning speedSaves scans in JPEG file/PDF file formatOptical Character Recognition (OCR) software includedSupports up to 32GB microSD memory cardsUSB port with USB 2.0 high speedsPowered by two (2) AA batteries for up to 200 scanned pagesModel number: PS4100 Package IncludesVividscann PS4100 Handyscan portable scannerScanner pouchUSB cableTwo (2) AA batteriesUser manualOCR software CDSVP 8GB microSD memory card
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Vividscann PS410 Handyscan Portable Scanner with 8GB Memory Card
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