2014 Black Friday Cheap Price VIXIA HF R500 Black-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9176B001AA Don't Miss
VIXIA HF R500 Black-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9176B001AA available on the market right now, only just take a look at last selling prices comparison coupled with delivery accessible for assist you in getting the best bargain.
Price : $299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Canon
Product ID : 3549225da110b33b59a22dcd7508d85e
Rating :

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VIXIA HF R500 Black-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9176B001AA Description
57x Advanced Zoom and SuperRange Optical Image Stabilizer helps provide outstanding, steady video.Canon 3.28 Megapixel Full HD CMOS Image Sensor.DIGIC DV 4 Image Processor captures video at 1920 x 1080 resolution and helps provide exceptional imaging performance.Record Full HD video directly to a removable SD memory card.1080/60p recording in MP4 (35 Mbps) and AVCHD Progressive (28 Mbps) for high quality capture of moving subjects...Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-VIXIA HF R500 Black
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