Black Friday 2014 VIXIA mini X-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9114B002AA Don't Miss
VIXIA mini X-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9114B002AA is certainly a beneficial stuff for a incredibly good offer, worth the cost. Very pleased. Hot Deal VIXIA mini X-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9114B002AA
Price : $399.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Canon
Product ID : a9da7611fad395c5cc2d6388dabe8782
Rating :
In case you are considering to shopping product at an exceptional top quality and a practical offer. We very recommended this VIXIA mini X-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9114B002AA is one of top-notch and even more preferred item item that you are seeking. Also if you learn it meticulously regarding product detail, functions and useful customer reviews, obviously you have to not reject to purchase it one. You can check the up to date price through the link under here.
VIXIA mini X-Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-9114B002AA Description
Canon f/2.8 fisheye lens offers a unique and creative perspective.The Canon HS SYSTEM - 12.8 Megapixel High-Sensitivity CMOS image sensor combined with the Canon DIGIC DV 4 Image Processor - helps provide excellent low-light performance.Record Full HD video in MP4 (30p/24p) or AVCHD (60i) format to a removable SD memory card.Outstanding audio quality with Linear PCM audio recording*, a high-quality built-in stereo microphone and Audio Scene Select.Shoot in Wide mode, or choose Close-up mode with image stabilization to help correct camera shake...Camcorders-Consumer Camcorders-VIXIA mini X
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