Black Friday Online Deals VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black Review
When you have to in comparison gadget characteristics and cost. This VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black is the perfect decision to shop for.
Price : $79.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : VuPoint Solutions
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : 49945841aa162bf6d704419c6e867ab8
Rating :
In the case that you are considering to buying item with a fantastic high quality and also an affordable deal. We highly recommended VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black is among high quality and additional popular item product that you are searching for. Even if you study it very carefully concerning item information, functions and handy consumer assessments, certainly you have to not refuse to acquire it one. You can inspect the present price from the web link here.
![VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black](
VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black Description
This portable, cordless handheld scanner preserves important documents, letters or recipes onto a microSD memory card for later retrieval on your computer. As you move the scanner over an area as large as 8 1/2"W x 98"L (length of scan based on low resolution) , its sensitive color image sensor scans at fine (900 dpi) , high (600 dpi) , or low (300 dpi) resolution. Images can be saved as JPEG or PDF files and onto a microSD card. Download your images onto your computer desktop using the included USB cable. Its built-in display shows the selected resolution, battery and memory status.
Along with one of the most useful points you have to do before you make a decision to buy VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black is so as to take a look at consumer evaluations in regard to this product through authentic users. To find how they have a remark on this item, what exactly is their pleased and not pleased for this item. In this way you shall recognize that are you require this item seriously, All of that is essential details that you ought to not miss.
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VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner w/Case and 4GB MicroSD - Black
Merchant : Sam's Club |
$79.00 | ![]() |