Black Friday 2014 Deals VuPoint Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer for iPhone & Android Right Now
With the VuPoint Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer for iPhone & Android you only to determine the positive effects which usually catch up with you want, strongly suggested it's actually a good product for value.
Price : $65.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand :
Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : ee101d73b88de53e8c057c2f80acc859
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of high quality of VuPoint Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer for iPhone & Android is the great reason that makes it one of the item you will really get bought. And also, it is too friendly budget to your pockets as well. You could check out the full item information and look into exclusive advertisings that have already been improved directly from the store via click the hyperlink here. You could possibly purchase the interesting deal and you can not deny it, desire you get the very good offer.

VuPoint Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer for iPhone & Android Description
Its not like there was a point in time when you couldnt print the photos youd taken with your smartphone. Its just that uploading them to your computer and then sending them to the printer was a little time consuming for your liking. But now, with this Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer, you can have those photos print quickly and easily with nothing more required of you than having your iPhone or Android smartphone docked in it and pressing print while the photo is on display. Youll have a laminated 4" x 6" print of it in less than a minute, and with the free app, you can also choose other print sizes and orientations. If you take more photos with your smartphone than you do with a dedicated camera and want to be able to print them in a snap, this deal is definitely for you! Want to know more? Reconditioned 90-day parts / 30-days labor manufacturers warranty Model: IP-P20-VP-RB Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones and tablets Prints quality 4" x 6" photos in under a minute Charges all connected devices All-in-one cartridge contains laminate, ink, and paper Patented cartridge allows for easy replacement Download the free app for more printing options Available in White Whats in the box? VuPoint Solutions P20 Photo Cube 10-count trial cartridge iPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
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VuPoint Photo Cube Compact Photo Printer for iPhone & Android
Merchant : Nomorerack |
$65.00 | ![]() |