Black Friday 2014 x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder Don't Miss
Finally the x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder is very well designed, is working perfectly, I certainly experience the decide to purchase most likely be worth any extra budget.
Price : $174.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Waver Technology Limited
Merchant :
Product ID : 64d24303c76d217f72fd2d45c1c7cba9
Rating :
In the case that you are usually searching to shopping item with a fantastic high quality as well as a sensible budget plan. We very suggested x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder is just one of top-notch and additional preferred item item that you are searching for. Even if you study it thoroughly regarding product information, features and valuable customer testimonials, certainly you must not refuse to purchase it one. You could inspect the present price via the hyperlink under here.
![x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder](
x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder Description
x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder DVR to HDMI V1.4 HDTV Display -OEM Type: Adapter Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Adapter: HDMI Length: 16 Feet HDMI Port: 1 Specifications: (1) HDMI Cable: UL20276, 34AWG (2) Comply with HDMI V1.4. (3) Downward compatible with HDMI V1.3 (4) Support: 1440P/1080P/1080I/720P/480P Features: (1) This is an adapter cable which allows you to display the content of your cell phone (or other devices with Micro HDMI output) to an HDMI display. (2) Watch video, stream media, and view documents through your TV. A must have accessory for those who would like to watch videos and work on the big screen. (3) High quality gold plated terminals.
Among the highly essential factors you have to finish before you make the decision to acquire x10Pcs Bulk 5M 16.4Ft Micro HDMI Male to HDMI Male Type D to Type A Adapter Connector Converter Cable for Tablet Smart Cell Phone XT800 HTC EVO 4G DC Camcorder is in order to check out consumer evaluations referring to this product coming from real users. To discover recommendations on how they have a comment referring to this item, what exactly is their fulfilled and not pleased with this item. That way you shall know that are you require this item seriously, All that is essential information that you should not overlook.