Black Friday 2014 XA10-Camcorders-Professional Camcorders-4922B002AA Instantly
XA10-Camcorders-Professional Camcorders-4922B002AA is seriously a very good devices at the incredibly good total price, worth every dollar. Really cheerful.
Price : $1699.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Canon
Product ID : cbede5d7cdd6ca651d2e2d4ba30de05c
Rating :
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![XA10-Camcorders-Professional Camcorders-4922B002AA](
XA10-Camcorders-Professional Camcorders-4922B002AA Description
A Genuine Canon 10x HD Zoom Lens delivers unsurpassed image quality, the versatility of a wide angle of view and smooth and professional looking background images Canon CMOS Image Sensor, a native 1/3-inch, 1920 x 1080 image sensor which delivers superb Full HD video recording with minimal noise, high sensitivity, and a wide dynamic rangeRecord to a 64GB internal flash drive or to two SDXC-compatible memory slots; Relay Recording automatically switches video recording from the internal drive to the SD memory cards when the memory becomes full 3.5" Touch Panel LCD Screen CANON image GATEWAY Qualified Product.Camcorders-Professional Camcorders-XA10
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