Black Friday Deals 2014 XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner Right Now
XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner for sale presently, only just find the latest prices comparison and shipping readily available for aid you in getting the best bargain. Hot Deal XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner
Price : $1075.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : XEROX
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Product ID : 61cc70707af1d0b62e60ac413c97f532
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Among amazing product is include XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner approved through a great deal of feedbacks from genuine buyers validated that XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner is very great and functional item and well worth the cash that they paid. If you have any sort of questions regarding the attributes of the product or want to check the current price of this product. Exactly click on the web link below, you will discover a good deals that certain.
XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner Description
XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU 600 dpi 24bit USB, RJ-11, Ethernet 10Base T / 100Base TX auto-registration Interface Duplex Document Scanner Image Sensor: CCD Light Source: Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps Scanning Speed: 20 ppm @ 200 dpi, b&w, simplex 14 ipm @ 200 dpi, b&w, duplex 10 ppm @ 150 dpi, color Resolutions, Optical: 600 dpi Color Depth: 24bit Max. Document Size: Maximum Paper Size: 8.5" x 11.7" Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) : ADF Capacity: 50 sheets ADF Maximum Paper Size: 8.5" x 14" ADF Minimum Paper Size: 5.8" x 8.3" Dimensions: 18.9" x 18.7" x 8.1"
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XEROX DocuMate 3920 XDM39205D-WU Duplex Document Scanner
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$1075.00 |