2014 Black Friday Cheap Price 1080p HD 1.5" TFT Screen Black Box Car DVR Vehicle Camera Recorder Camcorder + 140 Degree Ultra Wide Angle + G-sensor + Motion Detection + SOS Function Don't Miss
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Price : $70.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Accessory Plus
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : b9a2a7ec260cf23ebb1c73b6d1bbfcf8
Rating :
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1080p HD 1.5" TFT Screen Black Box Car DVR Vehicle Camera Recorder Camcorder + 140 Degree Ultra Wide Angle + G-sensor + Motion Detection + SOS Function Description
1080p HD 1.5" TFT Screen Black Box Car DVR Vehicle Camera Recorder Camcorder + 140 Degree Ultra Wide Angle + G-sensor + Motion Detection + SOS Function Type: Car Video Recorder Color: Black
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