Black Friday 2014 40X-2000X Biological Compound LED Microscope + 5MP Digital Camera
40X-2000X Biological Compound LED Microscope + 5MP Digital Camera is very really good at the things it actually does. Save you money and time via actually buy at trustworthy sites online. Hot Offer 40X-2000X Biological Compound LED Microscope + 5MP Digital Camera
Price : $429.75 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : amscope
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Product ID : 8d4f5ff31ed21114e8d28d0756d0877f
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40X-2000X Biological Compound LED Microscope + 5MP Digital Camera Description
40X-2000X Biological Compound LED Microscope + 5MP Digital Camera Type: Microscopes
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