Black Friday Deals AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera
If you have to compared device functionalities and value. This AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera is an excellent option to actually purchase.
Price : $1253.81 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
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Product ID : 12e2fc8d8c71b3dd7e69b83a32502e4c
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In the case that you are usually thinking about to shopping for product with an awesome quality along with a practical budget plan. We extremely advised this AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera is just one of leading quality and more well-liked product item that you are looking for. Even if you examine it carefully concerning item specification, functions and handy consumer reviews, certainly you need to not refuse to purchase it one. You can examine the latest price via the link under here.
![AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera](
AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera Description
This 10X-60X stereo zoom microscopy system with 10MP heavy-duty digital camera is designed to meet the demands of modern microscopy applications exceeding all expectations. The microscope comes with versatile illumination system that provides both incident (top) lighting and transmitted (bottom) illumination. You can choose between incident illumination shining down onto the object or transmitted illumination through the frosted stage plate. The first is used for the observation of three-dimensional objects like circuit boards gem stones and insects; the second for the inspection of the objects that allow light to get through them like prepared slides. This microscope offers crystal clear sharp stereo images large zoom magnification range and large working distance. Its 45 inclined trinocular head ensures an easy observation and rubber eye guards provide further comfort.Features10X-60X zoom magnification offers sharp stereo images.High quality widefield optics and sturdy metal framework.Top & bottom halogen lights with separate dimmer controls.10MP heavy-duty digital camera captures still images records and streams live video on computer screens.Editing processing and measuring software compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS x and Linux.Dimension - 18 L x 14 W x 9.5 H in.
Just before you get AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera, you should look into the features of the product, building material efficiency, pros and cons of the item so efficiently. By reading through customer reviews of this product, you must review a number of customer reviews. The actual individuals experience of these products are going to aid you decide successfully, logically without purchasing mistake and well worth for the valuer.
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AmScope SH-2TY-C2-10MT 10X-60X Stereo Zoom Microscope Dual Halogen 10Mp Digital Camera
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$1253.81 | ![]() |