Deals Black Friday On AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera Instantly
AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera is truly an excellent items with a really good price, worth every cent. Extremely pleased.
Price : $1421.51 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : AmScope
Merchant :
Product ID : 8d7606cc8b79ba6131a9d7021b31151c
Rating :
Along with excellent product is normally include AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera confirmed by a lot of opinions through real buyers verified that AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera is great and useful item and really worth the money that they spent. If you have any kind of problems concerning the attributes of the item or desire to check the up-to-date price of the product. Recently click the link here, you will locate a budget friendly deals that indisputable.
![AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera](
AmScope SM-2TZ-LED-10M 3.5X-90X LED Trinocular Zoom Stereo Microscope Plus 10 Megapixel Digital Camera Description
This is a first-class 3.5X-90X trinocular stereo zoom microscope with LED cool illumination and 10MP color digital camera. Designed to meet the demands of the modern microscopy applications that are temperature - sensitive like dissecting live tissues or observing live creatures this scope exceeds all expectations. It incorporates all the most excellent features of a high quality laboratory instrument. This microscope comes with SUPER widefield optics and versatile LED illumination system that provides both incidents (top) cool lighting and transmitted (bottom) cool illumination. You can choose between incident illumination shining down onto the object or transmitted illumination through the frosted stage plate. The first is used for the observation of three - dimensional objects and the second for the inspection of the objects that allow light to pass through them. This microscope offers high resolution and good depth within a broad field of view. It provides crystal clear sharp stereo images wide zoom magnification range and large working distance. Its 45 degree inclined 360 degree swiveling trinocular head ensures easy observation and rubber eye guards provide further comfort. This microscope is especially useful for the applications that need cool illumination. The digital camera captures still microscopy images streams live videos on your computers and are compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OS X and Linux. The 0.5X reduction lens included gives your computer screens the same field of view as your microscope's eyepiece. The user-friendly software for Windows offers advanced features including Stitching EDF (Extended Depth of Focus) video recording and measurement functions. Live video and still image capture can be set in different resolutions simultaneously. You can edit and process images in a manner similar to Photoshop. It can be used in biology,
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