2014 Black Friday Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA

Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA available on the market recently, really find out the latest prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery readily available for help you to get the great offer.

Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA

Hot Deal Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA
Price : $167.97 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : bc914292fdc9508465b4fee087cda2fe
Rating :

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Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA

Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA Description

* Free Shipping * LUCIA inks offer accurate color reproduction for vibrant prints. Better image quality and enhanced print longevity for quality that lasts. Exceptionally wide color gamut Device Types: Wide Format Inkjet Printer Colors: Photo Gray. CNM5313B001AA. 5313B001AA. Canon Canon 5313B001AA. Ink & Toner Device Types: Wide Format Inkjet Printer Colors: Photo Gray Supply Type: Ink Oem/compatible: OEM Remanufactured: No Coverage Percent: 5% Liquid Volume: 300 mL Market Indicator Cartridge Number: PFI-206PGY Print Supply Technology: Lucia Pre-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Post-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Total Recycled Content Percent: 0% Quantity: 1 each

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This Item Available from 1 Store

Image Item Price
Buying Option
Canon 5313B001AA CNM5313B001AA
Merchant : Walmart
price as of : 2014-11-07