Deals Black Friday On Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS 6024B001 Black 16.1 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output
With Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS 6024B001 Black 16.1 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output you just recently notice the many advantages which will catch up with you really need, is recommended it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $249.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Canon USA
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Product ID : b9599bd903f20704eba65bf1e50eab2f
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The product attributes are superb and loadeded with good quality of Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS 6024B001 Black 16.1 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output is the main idea that makes it one of the product you will obtain owned. As well as, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets also. You can discover the complete item specification and examine out wonderful offers that have really been up-dated from the shop via click the hyperlink here. You may purchase the exciting deal and you can not deny it, want you have the amazing price.

Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS 6024B001 Black 16.1 MP 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output Description
Canon PowerShot ELPH 320 HS 6024B001 Black 16.1 MP 5X Optical Zoom 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera HDTV Output Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS Aperture: f/2.7 (W) - f/5.9 (T) Image Stabilization: Optical Image Stabilization LCD: 3.2" 461K Touch Panel Max. Recording Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Battery Life: Approx. 170 shots Series: PowerShot ELPH Series Dimensions (WxHxD) : 3.68 x 2.24 x 0.82 in. / 93.5 x 56.8 x 20.8mm
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