Black Friday 2014 Ads Canon Rebel T5 1200D DSLR SLR Digital Camera (Best Value Bundle) 9126B003 (16GB SD Card + SD Reader + Soft Case + Battery + Charger + Cleaning Kit + Pro Tripod Don't Miss
Canon Rebel T5 1200D DSLR SLR Digital Camera (Best Value Bundle) 9126B003 (16GB SD Card + SD Reader + Soft Case + Battery + Charger + Cleaning Kit + Pro Tripod readily available today, take a moment to notice recent selling prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery accessible to assist you in getting the best selection.
Price : $599.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 79bc6ce3bbd6f804527d7eb7c83bd8d3
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Canon Rebel T5 1200D DSLR SLR Digital Camera (Best Value Bundle) 9126B003 (16GB SD Card + SD Reader + Soft Case + Battery + Charger + Cleaning Kit + Pro Tripod Description
Canon Rebel T5 1200D DSLR SLR Digital Camera (Best Value Bundle) 9126B003 (16GB SD Card + SD Reader + Soft Case + Battery + Charger + Cleaning Kit + Pro Tripod + Filter Kit + More) Image Sensor: CMOS Image Processor: DIGIC 4 LCD: 3.0" Package Type: Single Lens Kit Battery: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery Pack Type: with Accessory Bundle Grip Color: Black Body Color: Black
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