Black Friday Sales Elan Men's Olympus Mons Ski Right Now
With Elan Men's Olympus Mons Ski you primarily look into the positive effects which meet you really want, immensely important it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $875.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Elan
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Product ID : 0e07f1dee845551fb9f17b76a34e4d5c
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The product features are exceptional and packed with top quality of Elan Men's Olympus Mons Ski is the huge reason that allows it among the item you will pick up had. Plus, it is as well friendly budget to your wallets as well. You could see the complete item detail and take a look at excellent promotions that have probably been upgraded from the site using click the link below. You could see the beneficial deal and you could not refuse it, wish you get the great offer.

Elan Men's Olympus Mons Ski Description
Powder hungry air consuming speed hounds: Elan has your all mountain tool! The Olympus Mons is your device for cranking maximum enjoyment out of the deepest of days and steepest of pitches with their most advanced technologies and mind-bending construction. The rest is up to you! Please note: ski does not come with bindings as pictured.FEATURES: Geometry: 140/110/130! Turn Radius: 21.5 m @ 176 23.9 m @ 183 26.1 m @ 190 Thin ALU Profile Resort Rocker SST Sidewall Channel Woodcore DualTIThin Alu ProfileThe thin aluminium prole is specifically developed for Elan's freeride skis. Thinest profile on the market is achieved by direct print on aluminium construction. Skis have reduced weight for outstanding flotation and versatility and maintain maximum responsiveness and optimized flex with torsional stability.Resort RockerModerate tip rocker for better floatation easier turn initiation and man
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Elan Men's Olympus Mons Ski
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$875.00 | ![]() |