Black Friday Deals 2014 Flash Furniture Hercules Mesh Office Chair with Arms in Black Right Now
With the Flash Furniture Hercules Mesh Office Chair with Arms in Black you primarily see the positive aspects which get in touch with you might want, recommended it really is a good product for value.
Price : $227.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 9d554e884f80f2823448fc3e0a343f06
Rating :
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![Flash Furniture Hercules Mesh Office Chair with Arms in Black](
Flash Furniture Hercules Mesh Office Chair with Arms in Black Description
Flash Furniture - Office Chairs - WL5029SYGAGG - This attractive Big & Tall Mesh Office Chair has been tested to hold up to 400 lbs! The flexible mesh back material and waterfall seat provides amazing comfort throughout the day. This chair allows you to adjust the amount of lumbar pressure with the buiFlexible Mesh MaterialAdjustable Lumbar SupportThick Fabric Waterfall Seat Promotes Healthy Blood FlowLocking Back Angle AdjustmentHeight Adjustable ArmsHeavy Duty Black Metal BaseSpecifications: Overall Product Dimensions: 41.25"- 44.75" H x 27" W x 28.5" D
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