Black Friday 2014 Deals Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black
Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black is extremely an incredibly good gadgets at a awesome selling price, worth every dollar. Very satisfied. Hot Offer Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black
Price : $129.88 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 2096cb3e95093fcab7c3b9da1f4075cb
Rating :
Along with wonderful product is consist of Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black accredited through a bunch of opinions directly from actual buyers confirmed that Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black is really good and functional item and really worth the cash that they spent. If you have any questions regarding the attributes of the product or wish to inspect the existing price of the product. Exactly click the hyperlink below, you will certainly find a profitable deals that certain.
Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black Description
Flash Furniture High Back Massaging Leather Executive Office Chair, Black: Executive high back massaging swivel chair Integrated headrest Contrasting white stitching Double padded seat and back Pneumatic seat height adjustment Nylon arms Heavy-duty nylon base Dual wheel casters Black LeatherSoft upholstery LeatherSoft is leather and polyurethane for added softness and durability CA117 fire retardant foam Massaging Office Chair Remote Control Functions: Power on/off control Lumbar and thigh on/off control Massages lumbar and thighs Variable intensity levels Side pocket designed for remote storage Assembly required 2-year manufacturer's warranty on parts Overall Dimensions: 26"W x 29"D x 44.5"-48"H Seat Size: 20"W x 18.5"D x 21"-25"H Seat Thickness: 3" Back Size: 19"W x 27"H Arm Height: 28"-32"H Model# BT9585P
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