Black Friday Ads 2014 Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray Right Now
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray is seriously a really good stuff for a awesome total price, worth the cost. Completely satisfied.
Price : $199.26 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 39dd494cfa22c7359444c952918a338f
Rating :
The product functions are superb and filled with high quality of Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray is the main reason that takes it among the item you shall really get possessed. As well as, it is also friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could see the full item explanation and look into exclusive deals that have really been upgraded from the site via click the link here. You may possibly buy the amazing deal and you can not refute it, desire you have the exceptional deal.
![Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray](
Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray Description
Flash Furniture - Drafting Chairs - WLA7671SYGGYADGG - Drafting Stools can be used in a multitude of environments including School, Work and for the Home. Drafting stools makes it easier for the user when they need or prefer more height to comfortably get in and out of chairs. The breathable mesh back keeps you cool when sitting for long periods of time. The firm, comfortably padded seat will keep you at ease during work or while leisurely browsing. (WL-A7671SYG-GY-AD-GG) Mesh drafting stool with gray fabric seat and armsMade of fabric, foam, mesh, nylon, steel and woodBreathable back and built-in lumbar supportBack height and pitch adjustmentPneumatic seat height adjustment and height adjustable armsDual wheel casters3" thick padded seatCA117 fire retardantSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 40" - 47.5" H x 25.25" W x 24.5" DSeat Size Dimension: 20" W x 18" D
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Flash Furniture Mid-Back Mesh Drafting Stool in Gray
Merchant : Walmart |
$199.26 | ![]() |