2014 Black Friday Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown Right Now

Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown is totally beneficial at precisely what it really does. Keep you time and money via decide to buy at responsible merchants online.

Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown

Hot Offer Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown
Price : $206.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Flash Furniture
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : d7bdf9afdb4bad304974aa8cb0d4e478
Rating :

In the event that you are certainly thinking about to purchasing product with an awesome quality as well as a practical budget plan. We strongly advised this Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown is among high quality and even more preferred item item that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully about product description, functions and helpful consumer evaluations, certainly you have to not decline to purchase it one. You could look at the up-to-date price from the hyperlink below.

Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown

Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown Description

Flash Furniture - Guest Chairs - BT873BNGG - This attractive brown leather reception chair will complete your upscale reception area. Reception Chairs are perfect for office and waiting room seating. The contemporary design of this chair will fit in a multitude of environments with its streamlined stitching and elevated hardwood feet. (BT-873-BN-GG) Office guest chair in brownMade of foam, leather, PU, steel and hardwoodTailored stitchingBarrel backSculpted back and seatFixed seat cushionDense padded seatSloping armsCA117 fire retardantSpecifications: Overall Dimensions: 28.25" H x 29.25" W x 29.75" DSeat Size Dimension: 21" W x 21.25" D

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This Item Available from 2 Store

Image Item Price
Buying Option
Flash Furniture Office Guest Chair in Brown
Merchant : Walmart
Flash Furniture Leather Office Guest Chairs
Merchant : Staples
price as of : 2014-11-07