Black Friday Deals 2014 FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera
If you have to in comparison device features and value. The FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera is a reasonable decision to pay for. Hot Offer FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera
Price : $98.85 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
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Product ID : 9ff1fcf65c8ee41fe6c3bb8c6fbcf1b0
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In the event that you are thinking about to purchasing product with an excellent top quality and a sensible spending plan. We very suggested FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera is just one of premium and more prominent item product that you are trying to find. Even if you research it meticulously regarding item specification, attributes and helpful consumer evaluations, obviously you should certainly not refuse to purchase it one. You could look at the up to date price via the hyperlink here.
FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Description
FUJIFILM FinePix JX680 16291900 Black 16 MP 5X Optical Zoom 26mm Wide Angle Digital Camera Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CCD Aperture: F3.5 / F8.0 (Wide) F6.3 / F15.0 (Telephoto) with ND filter LCD: 3.0" 230K Max. Recording Resolution: 1280 x 720 Battery Life: Approx. 230frames (AUTO mode) Series: FINEPIX J Series Dimensions (WxHxD) : 3.7in. (W) x 2.2in. (H) x 0.8in. (D) (Minimum depth: 10.7in.) Weight: Approx. 4.2oz. (including battery and memory card) Approx. 3.6oz. (excluding battery and memory card)
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