Black Friday 2014 Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders Don't Miss

When you have to in comparison gadget abilities and cost. The Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders is the perfect option to buy.

Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3

Hot Deal Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders
Price : $1099.95 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Fujinon
Merchant : Adorama
Product ID : 5dc385d8f7da2e1f4baeefd7e3d6f168
Rating :

If you are usually considering to shopping for product with an amazing quality together with a sensible price. We highly recommended this Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders is one of top-notch and even more popular item product that you are searching for. Even if you examine it meticulously concerning product specification, attributes and useful consumer overviews, obviously you need to not refuse to purchase it one. You can look at the current price through the hyperlink here.

Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3

Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders Description

The Fujinon ACM-17 is a lens adapter for JVC HDV 1/3" camcorders. This adapter allows the JVC camcorders to utilize high quality 2/3" HD Fujinon lenses using the Sony B4 mount.

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Fujinon ACM-17 JVC 1/3" to Sony B4 2/3" HD Lens Mount for HDV JVC 1/3" Chip Camcorders
Merchant : Adorama
price as of : 2014-11-07