Black Friday 2014 Panasonic AGHPX255PJ Professional HD Handheld Camcorder
When you have to compared item functions and price. This Panasonic AGHPX255PJ Professional HD Handheld Camcorder is the right choice to decide to buy.
Price : $6500.00 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 032faa812de4b2225bcccb6fc850d035
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of top quality of Panasonic AGHPX255PJ Professional HD Handheld Camcorder is the major reason that takes it among the item you would grow purchased. And, it is as well friendly-budget to your budgets as well. You could view the full product description and look into awesome offers that have actually been improved through the store using click the hyperlink here. You might possibly get the exciting deal and you can not deny it, desire you get the wonderful deal.

Panasonic AGHPX255PJ Professional HD Handheld Camcorder Description
"Panasonic AGHPX255PJ Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Panasonic AGHPX255PJ is Handheld Camcorder Featuring an integrated 22x zoom lens and 2.2 Mp 1/3""-type 3MOS imagers, the versatile HPX255 also records 50 Mb/s AVC-Intra and several flavors of DVCPRO as well as DV. A variety of frame rates are possible in DVCPRO modes, for native slow- and fast-motion effects. Advanced monitoring and help with focusing are possible with the vectorscope, waveform, Focus Assist, and Focus in Red features of the camcorder. The AVC-Intra 100 codec is a perfect choice for any projects that involve tasks such as greenscreen shooting. The HPX255 could also thrive as the go-to model for a freelance videographer who does a variety of jobs, from SD to HD and with support for PAL/NTSC signal systems, it will cross oceans without missing a beat. AGHPX255PJ Features: Professional HD Handheld Camcorder, 3.45"" Wide LCD Screen, 22x Digital Zoom, 10x Optical Zoom, Low-Noise 3MOS Image Sensor, O.I.S. SMPTE Time-Code Generator/Reader, Flash Band Compensation (FBC) , 20-Bit Digital Signal Processor, Auto Focus Enhancements, Dynamic Range Stretch (DRS) - Suppresses Blocked Shadows & Blown Highlights, 4-Position ND Optical Filter Controls, Two P2 Card Slots, Filter Diameter: 72 mm, Three-Position Gain Selector Super Gain, Simplified Waveform & Vectorscope, Native Recording & Pulldown Modes - w/ PAL/NTSC Support, Low-Angle Shots, LCD Monitor Mirror Mode, White Balance Functions, Focus Assist Function, Jacks: USB: 2.0, HDMI: Yes, Microphone Input: Yes, Headphone Jack: Yes, Media: Records Onto: SD Memory Card, Recording Format: AVC-Intra 100, AVC-Intra 50, DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO50, DVCPRO, DV, Compression Method: MPEG-4 AVC / H.264, Image Sensor (Total) : 2.2 Megapixel 3-MOS, Video Recording System: 1080/59.94i, 1080/29.97p, 1080/29.97pN, 1080/23.98p, 1080/23.98pA, 1080/23.98pN, 720/59.94p, 720/29.97p, 72"
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