2014 Black Friday Deals Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s Instantly
With this Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s you basically read the positive aspects that will get in touch with you need to get, suggested it is actually a good product for value. Hot Deal Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s
Price : $1132.08 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : Lenovo
Merchant : Lenovo
Product ID : ea0add8caed4c91e67260d29b42a1fa8
Rating :
Among wonderful product is consist of Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s guaranteed by a bunch of reviews through real customers validated that Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s is great and useful item and worth the money that they paid. If you have any inquiries about the attributes of the item or wish to check the up to date price of the product. Exactly click the link here, you shall locate a good prices that certain.
Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s Description
Both hardware and software are equally important in the Fujitsu fi-7160 scanner. The newly developed PaperStream IP driver and image processing middleware combined with the PaperStream Capture software offer simplified and automated batch scanning routines that intelligently convert batches of documents into predetermined work routines.This new fi series model offers USB 3.0 support and is designed to make end-to-end scanning processes faster. The fi-7160 model processes up to 60 sheets/120 pages per minute (A4, color, duplex, 300 dpi) . Additional functions also help deliver top results. For example, it is easy to scan a mixed batch containing sheets of different sizes and thicknesses. The scanner mechanically straightens any documents that may have been fed askew and PaperStream IP also automatically corrects any remaining irregularities. An ultrasonic sensor recognizes whether two or more sheets have fed in and issues an error message. Even sticky notes do not delay the workflow as the system recognizes them automatically. Further, user support is provided through the scanners' LCD panel which provides straightforward operation flows and allows users to select profiles directly on the device, check the quantity of scanned documents or review any status messages.
If you are unsure on whether to buy Fujitsu fi-7160 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 in - 600 dpi x 600 dpi - up to 60 ppm (mono) / up to 60 ppm (color) - ADF (80 sheets) - up to 4000 s or otherwise, the way to assist you determine this issue is to study numerous customer reviews of this product. Check out multiple assessments to figure out whether it is a product that satisfies your exact requirements or just what this item could provide you some truly useful or are you could ignored some negative aspects of it. So all of that make you get a buying with a great reason and worth the cash you pay.