Black Friday Ads 2014 GW 8 Channel 720P HDMI Video Realtime Standalone DVR (4TB Hard Drive) Motion Detection iPhone Android Compatible High Definition Surveillance CCTV Security Came Instantly
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Price : $649.99 (price as of : 2014-11-07)
Brand : GW Security Inc.
Merchant :
Product ID : a852ca14a7ff248ba70592326eebd343
Rating :
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GW 8 Channel 720P HDMI Video Realtime Standalone DVR (4TB Hard Drive) Motion Detection iPhone Android Compatible High Definition Surveillance CCTV Security Came Description
GW 8 Channel 720P HDMI Video Realtime Standalone DVR (4TB Hard Drive) Motion Detection iPhone Android Compatible High Definition Surveillance CCTV Security Camera Digital Video Recorder Supported Protocols: Lan, DHCP, Dynamic IP and DDNS Network Interface: 1 x RJ-45 Video Output: 1 x VGA, 1 x HDMI Audio Input: 2 x RCA Frame Rate: Real time 30 frame per second Recording Type: Motion detect / Continuous / Manual / Sensor / Alarm Video Setting: 720P HD Operating System: Linux (embedded)
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